Monday, 23 February 2015

Media Trip

 On the February the 10th we went to London and visited the Warner Bros for a Harry Potter tour. It shows how the films are made using special technology and props. I found it very interesting as i'm a Harry Potter fan. We got to see how they make the broomsticks fly and use the wands, all the props and costumes which are obviously very important because each holds a value. We also had an A-level media day at the British Film Institute and learnt information to help us in our exam. We visited the BBC Studios which was interesting, we visited the theatre, One show studio, the news lounge and saw all the reporters at work. We also spotted Stephan Fry and Fiona Bruce.
This is our group of year 12 students along the Southbank before the BFI day.
Some photos of my day at the Studios!

Our BBC Trip


On the 8th February we filmed the second half to our opening at Laura's house. We are pleased with how all aspects of the filming went and soon will edit and cut parts to produce a final product. The props and costumes were appropriate for Emma's circumstances.
We took photos while we were filming of the angles/shots and location.

This is the opening shot of Emma getting ready for school. We used a close up for when she wakes up, after her mother shouts her to get up, the sudden open of her eyes through shock and surprise.

Friday, 13 February 2015


We filmed Oscars part of the opening on Sunday 1st February, the weather was changing frequently so the outside filming of the shot of the house and then panning to the sky is not yet completed. We were very happy with the shooting, it shows the life Oscar lives portrayed by his uniform, the house and kitchen.
Here are some shots of the filming day!    
 This is the shot of the table where Toby sat to eat his breakfast as 'Oscar' .

A shot of after filming, a nice cup of tea!

Laura and myself setting up the kitchen for the shots of breakfast.

These are shots of Oscars room, where most of the filming was completed, it shows the wealth of his lifestyle by the furniture, colours and surroundings.  

Monday, 2 February 2015

Music used in Films- Coursework Prep

Why is sound/music used in movies?
Music is used in films to create a mood and to tell the audience the theme of that certain scene, for example in a horror movie, when a tense moment is approaching the sounds increases, gets higher pitched or a heavy beat, to tell the audience what feeling they should be experiencing. Sometimes music overpowers the acting if it is poor, without sounds the audience would be lost with emotion and not know how to feel. In the 2007 horror Paranormal Activity, audiences reported toweringly high fear levels despite a lack of action onscreen. It is believed this was caused by the low frequency sounds waves.
Music from films can be very recognizable, creating stigma about that film. Just few notes can make the audience instantly know what movie or scene it is from.
Jaws- just the 2 notes played and anyone knows in a flash what its from. the sound strikes terror as the audience know what is going to happen.
Indiana Jones- The theme song of courageousness and fast beat sound, to make you watch Jones complete his task.
Ghostbusters- the cheeky, jokey theme song with limited words makes the audience know the movie its from.
Titanic- one of the greatest love stories of all time, which the music plays a huge part in, the iconic Celine Dion song brings a tear to the eyes of the audience. The music transports you to the grandness of the ship and to the grittiness of the basement dwellers. It welcomes you aboard The Titanic.