Monday, 10 November 2014

Character Profiles- Chairboy

Character/Actor Profiles

We chose Owen Smith age 16, to play the main character, Jake Stewart, because they are of similar age and have very similar features of short brown hair and short in height. Owen is also a drama student at GCSE and A-Level, so is not shy to play very different roles. Owen is also a media student so understands what is required and has experience of doing this because his group have also created documentaries and short (4-6 minute) movies.

Fionna Monk will be taking the role as narrator. She was also a drama student at GCSE and currently at A-level, so is also good at adapting to appropriate roles. She has a clear, projective voice which can be used in different types of scenarios. We feel Fionna will be a good narrator to introduce the background information as she has experience with acting and narration.

Dr Zachary is played by James Huxtable, he also is a drama student, and looks older than Owen who is playing the main character, Jake. James is playing the doctor trying to treat Jake in his ‘unorthodox’ ways, Dr Zachary, acts as a friend to Jake, in order to cure him but Jake doesn’t know he is a doctor. James as a drama student can improvise roles for what fits each scene, he is creative too.

Toby Setters is playing the dad of Jake. He also is a drama student and is a creative too, he looks older than various other possibilities of playing the father, and we thought he would be a successful part in this production. Toby also is a media student and understand what we needed to do to make it effective. Jake’s father is understanding of Jakes condition but hopes he will grow out of it, and wants him to be normal.

We had problems with the casting of our production, so some changes needed to be made. James's sister played the role of the narrator, as time was short and we needed to find someone quickly, she has a clear voice which was helpful.  Emily turned out to be a very good narrator, so our documentary finally was finished and good.

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